So, in roughly 7 hours from now, I'll be sitting in a room with 13 other hopefuls taking a written assessment to become one of the five new TOICs for our Program. It is a huge moment for me because a.) It means I'm really leaving behind the TSR level and I'm per se, a manager if I make it and b.) It means that it's another step in my career in eTelecare.
With those in mind, there are thoughts that keep swirling in my head. A part of me is concerned because I'm not sure if I'm ready to fill the shoes of the leaders that I'll be expected to fill. I mean, all the leaders I've been under have their own distinct methodologies and styles to build their team. I feel that I have nothing of that whatsoever. I expect a lot out of a leader, and I'm sure that the same would be expected of me if I'm placed in the same shoes.
Another part of me knows that this would be the next step for me to take. I am quite happy that an opportunity like this presented itself. I mean, how often do you get a chance to move up the ladder? If I have to guess, not so often. With so many people leaving [I have my own theory there, but it heavily involves the terms Shift Teng and Trend Micro... haha!], now is the time for me to step up and grab the opportunity and see how I'll stack up. It gives me the opportunity to evaluate how I've fared so far and improve from there.
When TL Bebot offered to put my name for assessment, she told me of her experience that was similar to mine. She was an L2 as well before, and within 6 months, she had her own team. The question that she asked was: Did my TL recommend me because I'm ready or is it because the opportunity is here and it's a waste not to take?
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