Saturday, October 06, 2007

Tech: TV Remote Control with 100+ buttons?

Of all the items around the house that I didn't expect to get a makeover is the remote control. It's plainly easy to see why. It does what it needs to do in its relatively simple interface. There's the numeric keypad where you type in the two (or sometimes three) digit channel code and there's the volume control, and a few more buttons to round up the basic features you would need out of your remote.

Then Art Lebedev came around with a novel concept.

The former is coming up with a 102-button remote, one for every channel that you might have. The estimated size at the moment is a rough 20 inches. Imagine having to browse through the dozens of buttons trying to find your channel. It does not include controls for volume and other features you normally use (mute, on/off, etc). It is still in the drawing board at the time being and no specific timetable IF this would be released.

From the looks of it, it should be just long enough to manually press the buttons on the TV itself. Haha.

Credit goes here.

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