Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Yet Another iAccessory comes out in the market


With the proliferation of iPod accessories in the market, another new concept comes around the corner. As if having all sorts of cases, necklaces, and arm bands made for Apple's MP3 player is not enough, nekFIT ( has come up with the idea of placing your iPod behind your neck to lessen the wire tangles.

Looking at it though, it makes me cringe at the thought that if I run and jump around, my iPod would fall off. I also don't get the assurance that it would be easy to shuffle through my playlists while its in my back. It is currently available for all iPod Nano's [2nd and 3rd gen] and Shuffles.

It might just be me, but if this is something you might've been looking for, help yourself and go over to Each nekFIT costs $34 [roughly 1700+ Php]. For me though, I'll be getting my iPod Nano from my pocket... just like the good majority of people.

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