Hello folks, and it's me writing my first ever journal entry here in Blogger.
--> It's my girlfriend's sister Wheng's birthday today. She turns 28 today. We had dinner at a restaurant. Happy Birthday ate Wheng! ^_^
--> Today is also the 5th State of the Nation Address of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. I wasn't able to watch it, and I needed to watch it because of certain requirements for the school. But that's cool. I guess I didn't miss that much. I heard that support for the president was still substantial despite the constant pressure for her to step down from her position.
--> Oh yeah, on our way to the restaurant I mentioned above, me and Vanessa, my girlfriend opted to ride a Taxi to get there and back to their place since there was not enough space to accomodate everybody in their car. ^_^.
--> I happened to chat with some of my former OJT-mates (does such a word exist?)... and we're all having the same sentiment: It's a long way to finishing this year. But they seemed more stressed than me. Probably because of their professors' standards or something that I don't experience at DBTC.
--> Oh, I just ran across this while browsing the Net. Wizards of the Coast, Inc. has just released the spoiler list for the Ninth Edition, the latest Core Set of Magic the Gathering. Just thought that there are still many players around and are interested to see which cards would get to be reprinted back to Standard format.
--> I'm usually on IRC at the Phazenet server as Tassadar, message me whenever you're out there. ^_^ I'm normally playing trivia, downloading mp3s or just plain chatting.
This has gone long than expected. It's almost 12 midnight and I would have classes tomorrow. Till the next entry, consider this finished.
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